

My name is Eguono Akpodeh and I am the founder and the moving pen behind I am a graphic designer and programmer. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Fine & Applied Arts with a specialty in Graphics And Media Design. Due to my interest in technology, I learnt programming on my own to boost my knowledge especially in the area of web development. I am a tech enthusiast who never stops learning about new technologies and skills.

How To Create Anchor Text In WordPress

WordPress Anchor Text

Anchor text (also known as jump text) is a text that acts as a link within a web page. In order words, an anchor text is a navigational link within a web page that takes you from one section to…

Google Bard AI: How To Use It

Google Bard AI Logo

Since ChatGPT took the internet by storm, there has been a surge in the race tobuild the next most powerful chatbot by major players in the tech sector. This competition has given birth to many notable chatbots like Claude, Copilot…

7 Mistakes Beginner Programmers Make

7 mistakes beginner programmers make

People learn programming in different ways and from different sources. Some learn from school, online websites or personal tutors. However there is a category of learners who teach themselves how to program called: “self-taught” programmers. This self-taught programming is the…