ChatGPT Taking Jobs Away From People


Is ChatGPT taking jobs away from people? Well, let’s find out in this article, but before we delve into all that, let us take a quick look at what is ChatGPT actually. ChatGPT is a chatbot that is designed and trained to interact and generate human-like responses in a conversational chat style. It can answer questions, perform certain tasks and generate texts based on the user text input or question. It is developed by OpenAI, the same company that is behind Microsoft Bing Image Creator (AI image generator).

Moving forward, since the emergence of ChatGPT, the chatbot has taken generative artificial intelligence to a whole new level thought impossible. It didn’t just come with a new perspective of sourcing information online, but it also offers numerous possibilities of generating human-like information. All thanks to constant improvement in its capability to generate useful information and perform cutting-edge tasks (sometimes better than humans). for more about ChatGPT capabilities, see What is ChatGPT And What Is It Used For?

Despite the usefulness of ChatGPT, all that it has to offer and how productive one can be with it, there has been series of controversies and concerns about the famous chatbot. One of the top growing concerns is “ChatGPT taking jobs away from people”. Many are worried about the chatbot replacing them at their place of work as companies of all sizes start to adopt its use.

Hence, it’s only natural that with time ChatGPT is going to compete with employees and perhaps even replace them, giving its capabilities. But can that really happen? Will ChatGPT take jobs away from people? The simple answer is NO! At least from the perspective of technology. From an economic perspective maybe, but we might still be very far from seeing that in the near future.

If you’re still not convinced that ChatGPT will not take away people’s jobs and maybe your job, then keep reading the reasons why that is not happening at least in the foreseeable future.

Why ChatGPT Won’t Be Taking Jobs As We Have Been Made To Believe

It’s A Tool

ChatGPT is a tool just like most computer programs that enhances productivity and workflow. For instance, programmers like us use it alot, but that doesn’t mean it will now be replacing programmers. Besides, it’s a product of a software research company: OpenAI, which can decide to discontinue it and that will be the end of it. Although, this is just a possibility and a point of view, but nobody who uses ChatGPT would like to see it discontinued except maybe Elon Musk (just kidding).

Limited Capabilities

Despite being one of the greatest innovations of the 21st century, ChatGPT, just like any other piece of software, is not perfect and as such, it cannot be relied upon 100% for certain tasks and knowledge. For instance, if you ask ChatGPT a question on a topic that it has not been trained on, it will not provide satisfactory response because its knowledge is tied to the last training it received. For example, its last training was January, 2022. Consequently, it may struggle to provide date-centered answers that are beyond 2022.

Lacks Critical Thinking

No doubt ChatGPT has been praised for its breathtaking features and has ignited more interest in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) recently. However, it lacks the ability to think critically like humans despite its human-like conversational capabilities.


You don’t have to worry about theories and opinions flying around that ChatGPT is going to take away jobs. You can be rest assured, that is not going to happen (at least in the foreseeable future). Like I mentioned before, it’s just a tool that was created to assist humans but not to replace them. 

Remember, one thing that places humans above artificial intelligence is the ability to think critically and make difficult decisions based on specific circumstances. 

However, this is also a wake up call for those of us who are lagging behind when it comes to digital literacy. It is high time we take advantage of the free and accessible technologies that exist around us and make good use of them. That is why a site like was created in the first place.

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