Facebook Page: “You Have Created Too Many Pages Recently” (Solved)

If you have created a Facebook page before there is every tendency that you must have encountered this problem. 

Have you ever tried to create another Facebook page and only when you think you’re done with the process, this message: “You Have Created Too Many Pages Recently” pops up? Yes, it’s a very common issue with creating Facebook Page sometimes. Especially in regions with low penetration of 4G or 5G networks.

But don’t worry it’s not because you’ve actually created too many pages in a very short period of time. The actual problem has nothing to do with the number of Facebook Pages you’ve created. In fact, even those who try to create pages for the first time, also experience the same problem. Therefore, you can face the same challenge even if you’re trying to create your first Facebook page.

There are several reasons why you may encounter this problem and the nature of the root cause will also determine the solution. Known causes of this error message include uncleared cache and network bottleneck or server overload.


Now, moving forward, how do you address this issue of annoying message and inability to complete the process of creating your page? There are several steps you can take to address this problem and they include the following:

  • Clearing App Cache
  • Using A Web Browser On PC
  • Create The Page During Off-peak Hours

Solution 1: Clearing App Cache

One of the most common causes of this issue is uncleared cache especially if you’re using the Facebook mobile app. Not only does clearing of cache fix some app and browser issues, it also makes apps and browsers load faster. To clear the cache in your Facebook app, perform the following steps below.

Step 1:

Open your phone and tap the settings icon.

Under the settings, scroll down to Apps and open it to view list of all installed apps.


Next, scroll down and look to the Facebook app and click on it. This will display the app info page. 

Step 3:

In the info page, scroll down to locate Storage under Usage and click on it. This will open the Storage page. Here, select Clear cache at the bottom of the page and that’s it.

Note: make sure to select Clear cache and not Clear data otherwise, you will clear both your cache and cookies in the process. However if this approach doesn’t address it, then try the next one.

Solution 2: Using Web Browser On PC

Sometimes Facebook may still fail to create your page and continues to display the same message of creating too many pages recently even after clearing your app cache.

In this case, you can try switching from the mobile app to your PC and use a Web browser like Chrome, Safari, Firefox etc. and see if it works.

But if after trying the first two approaches and you still get the same error message, then try the last solution that has over 95% success rate.

Solution 3: Create The Page During Off-peak Hours

If for any reason, the first two solutions above didn’t answer your prayers, then try this simple and non-technical approach. 

It is most likely that the issue is caused by network bottleneck or server overload in your location and in this case, you don’t have to do anything other than to just wait and try it again during the network off-peak hours (between 4am – 6:30 am local time). Your page will be created without issue.

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